Everybody has their own unique cultural wiring; what if you could tap into it?

KnowledgeWorkx defines corporate culture as the sum total of the thinking, speaking, and acting of everybody involved in that organization.Together we can:
Strengthen teams
Deepen coaching engagements
Manage stakeholders
Improve performance
Improve communication
Enrich teams & corporate culture
Increase customer engagement

To help you navigate a global world, we place Inter-Cultural Intelligence
at the core of our framework.
Are you an individual looking to:
1. Get ICI Certified
2. Are you ICI certified? We offer a refresh!
Are you ICI certified? We offer a refresh!
4. Read Our Articles
4. Read Our Articles
Read Our Articles
GCI(Global Competencies Inventory) by Kozai Group &
IES(International Effectiveness Scale)
GCI( Global Competencies Inventory) by Kozai Group
Measure leadership competencies of managers and global leaders in areas essential to interacting and working effectively with people from different cultures.
The GCI examines three major areas:
Perception Management: How much inquisitiveness, tolerance for ambiguity, and non-judgmentalness does one bring to intercultural experiences
Relationship Management: How well does an individual develop and maintain effective relationships with people from other cultures
Self Management: How well does an individual manage the stresses associated with working in a culturally diverse environment
International Effectiveness Scale
The Kozai Group’s International Effectiveness Scale (IES) used in conjunction with KnowledgeWorkx Inter-Cultural Intelligence (ICI) Framework helps when someone is thrust into an environment where others’ cultural views are different from one’s own.
This instrument is used primarily by non-profit organizations, including government agencies and educational institutions for:
Pre-& post- measurements for changes in intercultural competencies (used in higher education for accreditation purposes)
Global management, human resource management, cross-cultural communication & diversity courses to increase student awareness & self-analysis for improvement
Intercultural competency needs assessment for training design or organizational diversity initiatives
Are you an individual looking for coaching options?
Join our Certificate in Intercultural Coaching program which is designed to equip you with a structured method to coach inter-culturally.

With the completion of the certification you will also receive:
73 ICF CCEUs (43 Core Competency and 30 Resource Development hours) ​​
Can be used towards achieving the next level (e.g. ACC to PCC) of your ICF Credential

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