KnowledgeWorkx equips the core team of the American University of Kabul Business Innovation Hub with new tools and consulting competencies.
The talented and enthusiastic group of sixteen visited Dubai last week in order to receive specialized training in Leadership Development and Consulting Methodology from KnowledgeWorkx. The one-year old Business Innovation Hub is the first initiative of its kind in Afghanistan. Executive Director Ghulam Destageer is excited for his team to use the training they received from KnowledgeWorkx to develop and refine a recipe, in his words, for their own consulting process.
"Afghanistan requires what we are doing, and we need a lot of support; KnowledgeWorkx has all the processes, with an ethos and internal culture of inter-cultural intelligence; this is a very good starting point to serve our customers."
A highlight for the team were company visits arranged by KnowledgeWorkx. The team had the opportunity to visit a good mix of multi-national companies based in Dubai. These visits were inspiring to the Innovation Hub, giving them a number of insights to take back to Afghanistan.
We would like to thank the following for their willingness to welcome the team and share these insights with them: Abela & Co, Brand Union, The International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, The Landmark Group.
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