Those exposed to ICI training quickly apply new insights to their intercultural workplaces.

November 2015, Dubai: A small group of people gathered together from Asia, from Africa, and from the Middle East for an intense four-day Inter-Cultural Intelligence Certification course.
The participants came from different industries and had differing reasons for pursuing certification. They came to learn about ICI from a wide variety of contexts, with the expectation of applying what they learned to a spectrum of environments and workplaces — everything from NGOs, to engineering and technical environments, to consultancy, to HR-related application, as well as to Learning & Development.
Together, these seasoned participants represented over 250 years of combined intercultural experience. This experience contributed to the course, absolutely bringing the course content to life through vivid stories and practical wisdom shared by the participants. What they learned in the course took hold and made an impact because it strongly resonated with their own experiences, providing understanding and insight into those experiences.
Now, within only a few short weeks of their certification, the class participants are already finding new opportunities to apply what they learned. CEO and strategist Dr. Peter Chandra asserted that what he has learned in the ICI training is "definitely relevant to the business-, NGO- and education-world" . Other class participants shared that the course was eye-opening, very interactive, challenging, and team-oriented — especially valuable for becoming better equipped to work alongside their colleagues in intercultural contexts.
It was also a privilege in this November course to certify some of our own KnowledgeWorkx staff. Although we are a small team, equipping and developing ourselves is an extremely high priority; and we want everybody in the company to know our products intimately. Our staff’s involvement allows them to appreciate and champion our products from their own personal perspective. They also gain a deeper understanding of how integral their contributions are as they do their jobs day in and day out. Much of their hard work may take place behind the scenes, and yet their contributions effect tremendous impact worldwide.
The Inter-Cultural Intelligence products build bridges. They help individuals and teams thrive, so that they can help entire organizations to excel in a global and interculturally complex world.
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