ICI Certification hosted in the tranquil setting of Mount Grace Resort & Spa

At the Mount Grace Resort & Spa time slows and nature takes over - the fresh country breeze and magnificent views of the valleys and mountains help you to relax and unwind. And for participants at the Inter-Cultural Intelligence (ICI) Certification this helped them to open their minds to new ways of thinking.
Hosted in tranquil surroundings of Mount Grace, from the 27th to 31st of May 2013, Marco Blankenburgh led participants through 5 days of intensive facilitated learning.
ICI is an area of growing importance and application, which is being adopted across sectors including multi-national corporations, NGO’s, public sector, government and consulting practices.
“This training was eye opening in many ways – both about myself and others as we create new pathways to success”
Participants felt this week was instrumental in helping them move forward in their roles. They cited the depth of training & interaction, approach, resources and eye-opening group work, as well as their personal “a-ha” moments as being the main reasons for such a successful event.
The concept of “Triggering the right response” and “Creating a win-win solutions” in dealings with other people were common themes that were most enlightening to participants. The idea that you can take two people and create a whole new engagement space (a third culture) in which both cultures can live and thrive without conflict opened a new world of understanding for them.
Added to that the participants themselves came from diverse cultural backgrounds and were able to use their own real-life examples in the room during discussions to help one another understand the differences between the “Three Colors of Worldview” and the “12 Dimensions of Culture”.
The ICI Suite of Products was developed to assist people and organizations to deal more effectively with the Inter-Cultural realities of today through developing their Inter-Cultural Intelligence.
This intensive five-day program certified participants to deliver levels 1, 2 and 3 of the Inter-Cultural Intelligence Suite of Products. After facilitating groups with a total of 10 participants and submitting their report they may become an officially Certified ICI Practitioner.
To find out more about upcoming Certifications, please visit our Certifications page.
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