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DiSC Certification –the KnowledgeWorkx Way…

Updated: May 23, 2023

There are many Companies that offer Certifications, but we have a ‘secret sauce’ that we believe makes a KnowledgeWorkx DiSC® Certification one of the best choices on the menu.

Our ‘secret sauce’ consists of four ingredients:

  • Best in class Everything DiSC® Certification materials

  • Credentialed Executive Coaching experience

  • Deep Intercultural knowledge of applying Everything DiSC®

  • Certification is offered virtually using excellent virtual facilitation skills and tools

The season we are in has made leaders and organizations realize that people development is even more necessary than ever! The pandemic has impacted us not just physically, but also emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. Leaders and organizations who understand what their people need have been asking for illuminating and practical solutions to come alongside their teams. They realize that ‘In order to face the challenges of our world we can’t remain at the same level of thinking that caused those challenges in the first place.’ It is necessary to reach the next level: illuminate, elevate and collaborate in ways we might not have done before.

Here are just a few of the themes we have served our clients with in the last year:

  • Developing resilience and managing stress

  • Building high-performing (intercultural) teams

  • Forming deeper connections

  • Leaders that need to become more empathetic

  • Learning to collaborate effectively in a virtual world

  • Establishing healthy work-life balance

  • Engaging clients in a virtual world

The starting point of being transformed in all of these themes is illumination and a depth of understanding human behavior at a new level. That means we need to ‘turn the spotlights’ on the main components that help us understand human behavior better:

  • the intercultural side of our behavior

  • the psychological side of our behavior

Both these spotlights are equally important and that is why we partner with Wiley Talent Solutions and their powerful suite of 7 Everything DiSC® assessments and the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team products.

Getting Certified on Everything DiSC® is not a pre-requisite to using these products, but if you want to use the tools for real development and growth in a professional environment, it is highly recommended that you receive certification first.

As a Wiley Talent Solutions business partner, KnowledgeWorkx has been conducting DiSC® Certifications since 2008.

Our DiSC® Certifications reached a new level since the start of the pandemic, as we created powerful new ways to certify talented people on everything DiSC® by blending the following ingredients (our ‘secret sauce’):

Best in class DiSC certification materials

The Everything DiSC® suite has gone from strength to strength! The Wiley Talent Solutions team continues to do a fantastic job of improving the products and adding new products to the mix. The Everything DiSC® Suite now includes 7 powerful assessment reports as well as thorough group and comparison reports that extend the learning far beyond the coaching and training engagement. (Comparison reports are free of charge and unlimited in number)

  • Everything DiSC Workplace

  • Everything DiSC Sales

  • Everything DiSC Management

  • Everything DiSC Work of Leaders

  • Everything DiSC Agile EQ

  • Everything DiSC Productive Conflict

  • Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders

The reports create in-depth awareness and foster powerful conversations, helping you to design clear pathways for success. All reports are supported with learning resources that are available in the form of facilitation kits. These kits allow you to ‘hit the ground running’ when you design virtual and in-person training.

Credentialed Executive Coaching Experience

Since the pandemic began, we changed the way we structure our DiSC® Certifications.

The DiSC® Certification is now a journey that consists of 4 virtual sessions of 2 hours each with pre and post assignments. The sessions are typically scheduled with 2 weeks of application practice in between each session. This format is offered to individuals and small groups of up to 4 people. Check in with KnowledgeWorkx to inquiry when in-person certification will become available.

Signing up for a KnowledgeWorkx DiSC® Certification will give you personalized coaching and mentoring throughout the journey and we are always running new certifications as we receive requests. We will coach you on two Everything DiSC® tools of your choice to experience the power of the tools first-hand. This will also equip you to use the tools in a one-on-one as well as a group learning capacity.

This approach has allowed us to tailor the certifications at a deeper level so that we can truly focus on what is important for you. Recently we have been certifying people who wanted to focus on different application areas like:

  • Team Development

  • Management and Leadership Development

  • Coaching

  • Developing Agile EQ

  • Turning Conflict into Productive Conflict

  • Recruiting and Selection

  • Client Engagement

  • Enhancing Communication

Deep Intercultural knowledge of applying Everything DiSC®

KnowledgeWorkx has been equipping people for relational success for more than 20 years in over 70 countries. We are a top provider of methods and tools that develop Cultural Agility in individuals, teams and organizations. Our bespoke ‘self-cultural-analysis’ methodologies and our “Three Colors of Worldview and “Cultural Mapping Inventory” tools have allowed us to engage a wide variety of clients all over the world.

When we conduct a DiSC® Certification, we can’t help but bring our vast intercultural experience into the training, and this is a huge benefit for you as a future Everything DiSC® practitioner. We do have specialized certifications to equip coaches (the “Certificate in Intercultural Coaching”) and trainers (the “Inter-Cultural Intelligence Certification”).

Knowing how to use Everything DiSC® in intercultural environments has become incredibly important and joining our certification will give you that extra edge. Not only will you receive your DiSC® Certification, but you will also learn how to use the assessment tools in culturally diverse teams and organizations.

Excellent virtual facilitation skills and tools

KnowledgeWorkx has been a virtual team for more than 10 years and the lessons we have learned are transferred into the way we engage with you.

We use High Performance Learning Journey (HPLJ) design solutions to ensure that your certification journey will be engaging and that you stay focused on learning, internalizing, and applying. Our certifications are supported by a variety of technology enablers including a fourth generation learning platform that tracks your progress and creates a historical record and reference you can use long after the certification is completed.

As KnowledgeWorkx is a Wiley Talent Solutions business partner, we will provide you with the official “DiSC® Practitioner” certificate.

If you are an individual or if you have a small group of people that want to get DiSC Certified: Sign-up now and we can get started immediately!


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